Developing Joomla templates and websites: Helix Ultimate 2 Framework

In case you want to work with us or are just curious what’s behind our templates, we will let you know in this post and in the next ones the template framework, components and modules we are using to develop our premium website themes.

This may be useful in case you like our designs but are in doubts that our themes are that user friendly when it comes to using the Joomla administrator panel.

So, we’ll be presenting you the main features you will find in almost all of our works:

Helix Ultimate Framework

Helix Ultimate is an advanced ready to use Joomla template framework. It’s a modern, user-friendly, and heavily customizable tool to build amazing Joomla templates. Helix Ultimate 2 is developed using Bootstrap 5 and other modern technologies to ensure an amazing experience for the end-users. Helix Ultimate is heavily customizable that empowers you to build your dream site in minutes:

This is the brief presentation of the framework we are using. Now you will see how we work with the Helix Ultimate 2 Framework:

1. First we enter the Basic tab to insert the information like:

  • logo: We let the height as it is and we overwrite it in the custom.css (you can find the file in templates – templatename – css – custom.css) file so that the user can use the logo at the size he wants and not have to use a fixed height for it.
  • header: Again, we let the header height as it is and we overwrite it in the custom.css (you can find the file in templates – templatename – css – custom.css) file. It’s way more easier to find all the styles in one place than to be required to insert the height in the helix ultimate settings and edit the rest in the custom.css file.

2. The Presets tab:

In order for the presets to work, please do not enable the custom style! When we start a new project, we insert one or more preset colors (Helix Ultimate 2 comes with 8 preset styles), preset 9 or 10 and so on, where we insert the project details (we will let you know on other blog posts how to create your own presets if you need to – they will not be overriden in future template updates).

3. Layout Builder tab:

In the layout builder tab, the first rows you see in the video are inserted by us (we never use the preset headers). Helix Ultimate 2 comes with the title row as being the first one. We insert the top (when needed) and the header (it’s needed to display the logo and menu correctly). So to begin, we insert a new row, we establish its composition (eg. 3+9, 4+8), insert the positions in each column (eg. logo and menu), set up the responsive size for each position and done.

You might have noticed we did not insert social links, footer details, contact details in the template options. We did not do this because we insert them using sp page builder modules, so you will find them in the module list. We choose to do it like this because they are more flexible and easy to edit by the user (for example, using Sp Page Builder, you can insert anything you want in the top bar, not just social icons and contact details).

4. Navigation tab:

In the navigation tab we only change the menu type to be Mega Menu only. And also we sometimes select both and also select the dropdown animation.

Also in the Off-canvas tab it is important that an alignment is selected, otherwise the mobile menu will not show.

5. Custom code:

We use the custom code tab if we have different layouts on a template. You will often see in your package, in the import – template folder, more than one file. This means we had to apply different layouts on the template.

6. Advanced tab:

We use the advanced tab to import a template style (you can find how to do this in the documentation) or to export a template style.

These are the main features of the Helix Ultimate 2 we work with. You ca check the video below to understand better what we are talking about in the 1 to 6 points of this post:

This is how we work using Helix Ultimate 2 as a skeleton for developing our themes. We hope we made ourselves understood and you find it easy to work with us.

Stay tuned!

Windstripe Themes

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