
TemplateName - Modern Kindergarten Joomla 4 Template

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  • Created: 08 January, 2022
  • Update: 08 January, 2022

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, Please feel free to email via My Profile Page.


TemplateName – Modern Kindergarten & Baby Care Joomla 4 can create a website for Day Care, Pre-School and other kids related websites. The template is suitable for children related projects like kindergartens, preschools and child care centers.

TemplateName is based on Helix Ultimate Framework so is full responsive, fast loading, secure, and have many features. For the majority of pages we used SP Page Builder (Pro) with its main addons, including some customized by us.


There are two methods you can use when installing your newly template:

  1. Using the quickinstall if you are starting your project from scratch.
  2. Using the template only if you are working on an already made website.

METHOD 1: The Quickinstall

The quickinstall package is basically a clone of our demo preview, made with Akeeba Backup that contains Joomla, TemplateName template, Components, Modules, plugins, libraries and everything else you see on the demo - all of these already installed.

These are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Copy to your host the contents of the quickinstall folder
  2. Create a fresh database in your cpanel.
  3. Access the url where you extracted the files. A restoration script containing a regular joomla installation should appear. Follow all the steps providing the needed details for the installation.
  4. You are good to go for adding your content now!

METHOD 2: The Template Alone

The template alone is only the template, it will not install the menus, components, modules and plugins from the demo, you will only get a new look of your website. But don't worry, we included all the instructions to get everything you need for your website to look exactly like in the demo (please follow all the steps and check the faq).

1. These are the first steps you need to follow:

  1. Install Joomla by downloading it from here: Joomla Official Website
  2. After you install Joomla, please have a look inside the folder called template from your downloaded pack and check for the zip file called TemplateName.
  3. Now go to Extension Manager and Upload it.
  4. If things are going good, let's go on with the next chapter.

2. Now that you have Joomla and our template installed, it's time to make it work.

  1. Make sure the template TemplateName is present in your templates list.
  2. Install plugin - for Helix Ultimate you will find in the plugins folder from our pack.
  3. Enable plugin(s).
  4. Set the newly installed template as default.
  5. Great work until now. You should have the template up and running.

3. Now that you have Joomla and our template installed, it's time to get the components and/or modules used in our demo.

  1. In the downloaded pack you have the extensions folder. Install all the extensions from there.
  2. There are also links to the free extensions in a text file.

4. Until now you have all the tools needed for using our template, the next step would be to import the settings for it to look like the demo (please follow all steps).

It is up to you to choose which files you want to import. I will explain in the following lines how to import different files from the import folder:

  1. Installing Theme Settings:
    • You will find the files for the template style(s) located at the folder called theme settings.
    • In the administrator panel go to Templates - Site Templates Styles.
    • Click on TemplateName - Default.
    • Click on Template Options.
    • Go to the Advanced tab (last option).
    • Select Import & Export.
    • Click on Import Settings.
    • Select the TemplateName - Default.json file from the folder called theme located inside the import folder. If there is more than one file in that folder, you can select the one you want for your website.
    • Here is a video example on how to import the theme settings: Import theme settings for a template style
  2. Inserting a page in Page Builder:
    • You will find the files for the Sp Page Builder pages located at the folder called page builder.
    • In the administrator panel go to Components - SP Page Builder Pro.
    • Click on + New.
    • Click on Import.
    • Select the desired .json file from the import - page builder folder
    • You can see a video example here: Importing Page Builder page
  3. Inserting a page in Page Builder modules:
    • You will find the files for the Sp Page Builder modules located at the folder called page builder - subfolder.
    • In the administrator panel go to Modules.
    • Click on + New.
    • Select SP Page Builder from the list.
    • Give the module a name (assign it to a position if needed.
    • Save.
    • Now click on IMPORT and just select the page from the .json list of the modules you received.
    • Follow the same procedures for the blog item and/or portfolio item if needed (remember to enable Integrations for Joomla Article and Sp Simple Portfolio in Components - SP Page Builder Pro).
    • You can see a video example here: Page Builder - Enable integrations, import modules, articles, portfolio item
  4. All done, now you should have everything up and running. There might be some small settings you need to do, we recommend you check the FAQ if you encounter issues.
  5. Also we have a video showing you exactly the steps to import a template of ours, you can can see a video example here: How to install our Joomla templates piece by piece

Updating The Template

Is very simple to update our template. Here are the steps:

  1. Make full backup of your website.
  2. Update all extensions to the latest version.
  3. Update the template with its newest version.
  4. Update Joomla to the latest version.
  5. Clear cache.

Theme Customization

All our styles are easily placed so that you have no problem changing them. You can see instructions on how to do so below:

  1. GENERAL, HEADER, FOOTER -> custom.css file
    • You can find our general (different components, blog, shop, font imports, Page Builder Rows or Columns), header and footer styles in our custom.css file.
    • To edit it, you need to go to Your Host -> templates -> our template -> css -> custom.css
    • It is possible we use some css customs from page builder in this file also, the ones we could not use in the custom css from the page builder addon.
    • HINT: Using browser's developer tools to find the styles.
  2. GENERAL, HEADER, FOOTER -> Page Builder's Page css
    • If a page in our template uses the same Helix template layout, but has different syle, for example a different menu, different footer, different background, different fonts etc, to not create a template child and get our users confused, we apply the css in the page's own css.
    • To edit it, you need to go to the top of the page -> on the left click on Custom CSS -> edit css (see image below)
    • Each addon on page builder has it's own custom css section which we edited.
    • You can change it anytime by going to SP Page Builder -> Pages -> Select page -> Select edit addon -> Go to STYLE tab and scroll down until you find Custom CSS section (see image below)


Configuration For The TemplateName Template

In the administrator panel go to Templates - Site Templates Styles - click on our template - click on Template Options

  1. Basic
    • 1. Logo - logo type image and you can upload your image here, or select as TEXT and you can add your text.
    • 2. Header - choose favicon, sticky header and favicon.
    • 3. Body - here you can choose preloader or boxed layout
    • 4. Footer - here you can enable go to top (we insert the footer as a Sp Page Builder module in which you can easily import - it's more flexible this way - you can find or insert it in position footer1)
  2. Presets
    • Here there are 8 predefined presets from the original template plus one or more created by us. Choose the color you want.
  3. Layout:
    • Here you can create your site layout
    • You can create one layout or more layouts: if you want to create new/different layout, you need to duplicate your theme style and next build your layout.
    • Best ideea is to install our demo on a subdomain and check how it's configured.
  4. Menu:
    • Here you can have 3 options: Menu Builder, Mega Menu and Off-canvas (just icon)
    • Menu Builder: you can create your own menu, set up the mega menu or select an icon for the menu item.
    • Mega Menu: you can select the Menu Type here.
    • Off-canvas: make sure you select the Off-canvas alignment (the menu will not show up if you do not) and select the menu you want for the offcanvas position.
  5. Custom code tab:
    • here you can add your custom css and js

HOW WE WORK WITH HELIX ULTIMATE: You can see exactly how we work in Helix Ultimate and what settings from it we use HERE.


Here are the official descriptions of the extensions used in our templates.

  1. SP Page builder PRO
  2. Helix Ultimate Framework
  3. Akeeba Backup
  4. OPTIONAL: Hikashop
  5. OPTIONAL: J2 Store
  6. OPTIONAL: SP Simple Portfolio
  7. OPTIONAL: Creative Slider


We provided answers for a few frequently asked questions here in order to help you understand better our template.

This is another question we encounter often so we made a post showing you exactly how to proceed in changing them: Setting up the Page Title and Breadcrumbs
We made a blog post showing you where to find the list of icons available for the template and how to add your own icon font family: How to check and change available icons
We created a tutorial on how to add your own color as a preset. It's very easy and you should know that it will never be erased on future updates: Creating Your Own Preset
This is an error encountered often and it's related to your hosting, you need to contact them regarding this, it's an issue related to the CORS policy. You can check more here: Sp Page Builder Not Saving
Sometimes the alignment for the offcanvas menu does not remain selected when creating the backup, this means you need to select an alignment yourself in the Template Options - Menu - Off-canvas. You check here for more details: Select Off-canvas Alignment
Go to SP Page Builder - Add new page - Choose Import (top-left of the page) - Choose your page from our import folder and save.
Before importing pages, copy folder images from our quickinstall in the folder called images from your joomla site.
In folder Import you have files for every theme style.
The rows that don't show up are the rows with joomla modules in them. You need to check the modules in our quickinstall and make the modules similar to ours. Also make sure the images folder is imported correctly.
We do not own license keys for premium components, if you wish to have a license key, then you must buy the keys from the respective companies. We have only one license from the respective companies that allow us to distribute their components/modules for free with the template pack. But don't worry, as soon as an important update comes up, we will update our theme immediately. If you do not want to wait for an official update of the template, please email us your website link and purchase code and we will send it to you immediately, but you will do this at your own risk because this means we have not tested the new version of the component yet. Also keep in mind that the notification to activate PAGE BUILDER does NOT affect the component, you can still enjoy it's premium features. Same thing goes for the rest of the premium components.
Yes, everytime you update the template or a component/module, make a full backup. Also, we recommend you make regular backups on your website.
Unfortunately, if those modules are not made with Sp Page Builder, the answer is no. If you choosed method 2, installing the template alone, you will need to recreate the menu items and the non-page builder modules we have on the demo. But don't worry, just install our quickinstall package on a subdomain and you can check and recreate them from there in no time.
If the theme is using 2 logo styles (one for the transparent header and one for the sticky header), it is impossible to achieve this using only the helix logo position. Instead, added a filter to the logo image to display correctly on both states. You can check the link with the browser's developer tools and remove the filter in the custom.css file if it does not fit for you. We are sorry if this is a bit complicated, but it is the only way for now to get two logos on the same position.
In the template you can only insert text in the footer and sometimes we need to insert links and images too. So we create a Sp Page Builder module and assign it to footer1 position. Just go to Modules list and you can find and edit there the footer content.
We can offer our full support regarding the theme and it's usefulness or it's eventual problems. But we are not allowed to offer free customization/installation of the theme, nor can we offer tutorials for Joomla.
You can use our theme for only one domain. If you need to use it for other domains, you need to purchase additional licenses (buy the theme again).
No, you are not. They will be available free for you to use in every update pack of our theme.
No, you do not need that. If our theme is exactly what you need, then all you need to do is install our theme using the Method 1 (quickinstall) and start adding your own content. Simple as that.
Helix framework, wheter its helix3 or helix ultimate do not work like an style changer when it comes to the presets. They do not change a specific color everywhere, but only in some places, this is because the template uses components that bring to the table their own colors, like Sp Page Builder or Layer Slider. For example, if you want to change a color in a Sp Page Builder text block addon, it can't be done by presets. That's why we use custom css (custom.css and addon's custom css) most of the time to insert colors. However, in our latest templates we made the colors preset dependable, so if you still encounter issues changing colors, please let us know.
If a theme has more template styles (for example there is THEMENAME – Default and THEMENAME – Onepage), then you have to make sure you are editing in the right template. The THEMENAME – Default is not always used in all the pages. In some pages we need to use other settings (like different layouts) and this is impossible to achieve using only one template style. To understand better, you can read more about this here: Editing a template’s childs

Source & Credits



Components & Framework:

  • SP Page builder PRO
  • Helix Ultimate Framework
  • Akeeba Backup
  • OPTIONAL: Hikashop
  • OPTIONAL: J2 Store
  • OPTIONAL: SP Simple Portfolio
  • OPTIONAL: Creative Slider


If this documentation doesn't answer your questions, please send us Email via Our Email Address

We may be located in different time zones, but be sure we answer all questions as soon as possible no matter if it's weekend or weekdays. There are however some rare cases when we do not receive your emails so if you do not get a reply from us withing 24 hours, please write to us again or comment in the purchased item section of themeforest. Some delay in replying may occur on holiday seasons.

Note: While we aim to provide the best support possible, please keep in mind that it only extends to verified buyers and only to issues related to our template like bugs and errors. Custom modifications or third party module implementations are not included and may cost extra.

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